The CSE Manual - 9th Edition The CSE Manual 9th Edition

Scientific Style and Format for Authors, Editors, and Publishers

9th Edition Task Force

The guidance found within these pages is the result of CSE’s ongoing mission to gather and share the combined wisdom of science publishing and editorial professionals worldwide.

The CSE Manual: Scientific Style and Format for Authors, Editors, and Publishers Ninth Edition Task Force worked to preserve the integrity of CSE style and to provide a progressively up-to-date resource for the manual’s valued users. 

Project Manager

Michael E. Fitzgerald, CAE

Production Project Manager

Peter J. Olson, ELS

Task Force

Kaitlyn Aman Ramm; Janaynne do Amaral, PhD; Emmanuel A. Ameh, MBBS, FWACS, FACS; Jessica S. Ancker, MPH, PhD; Stanley N.C. Anyanwu, MBBS, FMCS, FWACS, FACS, FICS; Kenneth April; Elizabeth A. Arnold, ELS; Patricia K. Baskin, MS; Kevin R. Brown; Michelle Cathers, MLS; Jae Hwa Chang, MA, ELS; Soo-Hee Chang, MS, ELS; Dana M. Compton; Craig Damlo, MSc; Sherri Damlo, MS, ELS; Heather DiAngelis, MA; Simona Fernandes, MSc, ELS; Tina L. Fleischer; Peter J. Freeman, PhD; Beth E. Hazen, PhD; Sun Huh, MD, PhD; Andrew Hunt, PhD; Jacob Kendall-Taylor; Raymond Lambert, MLS, ELS; Trevor Lane, DPhil, PGCELT; Thomas A. Lang, MA; Jessica LaPointe; Ellen Lazarus, MD, ELS; Iris Y. Lo; Rachel J. Lowery; Audrey Daniel Lusher; Amy McPherson; Stephanie Mowat, MA; Beva Nall-Langdon; Kelly Newton; Joanna Odrowaz; Peter J. Olson, ELS; Heather Poirier, MA; Andrea Rahkola, ELS; Dara R. Rochlin; David M. Schultz, PhD; Brit Stamey; Julie Steffen, CAE; Jessica L. Striley; Kristen Swendsrud; Caitlyn Trautwein; and Mary Warner, CAE